Wilmington, one of the largest and most populated cities in Delaware, is also one of the most beautiful parts of the state. The population of Wilmington is 70,898. Something funny to hear, Thomas Jefferson specifically called Delaware a “jewel” because of its amazing location on the East Coast. Delaware is also the second smallest state in the United States, did you know that? Wilmington is the third most bike-friendly city anywhere!
Delaware, one of the most peaceful states on Earth. It is a place full of retirement houses, or even just regular houses if that fits you. Have you ever wanted to have a home somewhere out of a dream? No blasting music next door? No disruptions? Delaware is just that! Maybe you want to go for a different reason, well don’t worry!
Delaware is not just a state full of peace, it also has scenery! Some houses have amazing views and it can be pretty magical, and you might as well call it paradise! Delaware is also a good place to go for a walk or hike; it’s quiet and you can even see people watering plants in their gardens or talking outside on the balcony.
Not to mention, the houses are super cheap! You can get a lot of everything for not a lot of money. The weather is also literally perfect. Everywhere has rain, but Delaware sure doesn’t seem to have a lot of it! Delaware is mostly warm all the time and you can really do anything if it comes to being outside. It’s a location of quiet little adventures.
Most towns are also very different. Sometimes, you would think you’re in the twilight zone, because most houses look the same but some are actually really unique. A con of Delaware though could be that it’s too peaceful, it can get lonely and boring. That’s why you should bring family and friends. Overall, it’s perfect as a real home. May the adventures of the quietest place on Earth fulfill you, and don’t make too much noise yourself now!