The Tokyo Game Show is an event where companies like Sega, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft show off multiple new video games consoles to be shown off. It’s a place of magic and dreams for gamers, from games that we’ve been wanting for years to games that are new and exciting.
The Game Show is an event that runs this year from September 26 – 29, 2024, or in some cases, comes back again in October when game developers and companies in Japan show new video games or game ideas.
Sonic X Shadow Generations is one of the games that I saw at the Game Show, made by Sega of Japan and Sonic Team. The game is about the “new” Modern Sonic meeting the old classic Sonic with both Modern and Classic Tails. On Sonic’s 20th birthday, they are trying to restore time in their quest to defeat a monster call the “Time Eater” with an extra Shadow “DLC”.
When I was at the Game Show, I met with Takashi Iizuka, Sonic Team’s lead Gamer Director/Designer and I asked him two specific questions. I asked, “Why did you choose Shadow to be a hedgehog instead of any other animal?: Izuka stated that, “When we were creating Shadow, we wanted him to be a moody character with an enigmatic past and multiple mysteries about him, so we wanted parts of his story to be left unanswered to keep the mystery going. For example, things like how Shadow was thought to have died at the end of Sonic Adventure 2, but was brought back. Did that mean he was an android? We wanted there to be Multiple questions without a clear answer, and for him to be an active character while still being a mystery. So, the reason he’s a hedgehog is one of those mysteries that we haven’t delved into on purpose. So please everyone have fun making your own theories.”
This was a lot of information and as soon as I asked him why Shadow is the focus of this year, he said, “We knew that this year we’d be focusing on Shadow right from the time of the second movie. That is why SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS is coming out.” Sonic X Shadow Generations is a treat for Sonic Fans, especially with the modality of the Steam/PC version. Shadow plays like Normal Modern Sonic but with his Frontiers Combat.
The Game Show was an experience that had me and a lot of people stunned with the new and fun games that they have and it’s THE place to go for gamers.