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Manatee pair
I go to Florida every year or so. Usually I go for football, but this year I went for vacation. I haven’t gone to Florida for vacation since I was nine years old, so I was really excited. The flight was at 7 in the morning so I thought I was going to watch the sunrise as we took off. But, I thought wrong. The fan was broken, so I couldn’t move the fan off me, so I was freezing the entire plane ride. I couldn’t even sleep through it. After that, I knew this trip was going to be a bumpy ride.
As soon as we stepped foot into the beautiful sunshine state that’s named Florida, it was nice and warm so it felt really good. As soon as we stepped outside of the airport, I felt like I was walking on clouds. The sun was shining on me, the palm trees were swinging, and there was not a cloud in the sky.
MarineLand is an aquarium where you can see animals and the history of some of the animals. MarineLand holds a world record for raising the oldest dolphin ever. It lived until 61 years old with human care, which is crazy for a dolphin because they only usually live until 20-30 years old. MarineLand is a place to learn and have tons of fun. There is also another experience with HIGHLY trained dolphins, You can actually ride the dolphins! They push you with their mouths on your feet and you can easily go 20-30mph. It was really a great experience. You felt the wind on your face and it really feels like you’re flying through the air.
While I was there, me and my dad rented out jet skis. It was a great experience. We went really fast, but we couldn’t go fast for long because the lake/river that we were driving in had dolphins and manatees in them so we couldn’t go fast for long. If we did, we would’ve had the jetski taken away and we would’ve got a GIANT fine because dolphins and manatees are endangered and they really value them. It’s against the law to even touch manatees because if you give them water or even feed them, it could mean time in jail. That is because the manatee will lose their fear of boats and humans and will get themselves hurt.
While we were jet skiing, we stopped at a really cool beach, but when we got off the jet ski, it drifted toward land and it got stuck. But we got it out and then we picked up awesome seashells and we took them home. I think I even fell asleep on the ride back after such a great day on the water.