Haiti is a country on a really small island. There’s good food like rice with a puree-type of black beans and other types of traditional food from the country.
The flag has two colors. It has changed over the years, but now it’s blue and red and in the middle says l’union fait la force, and a white box in the middle .The coat of arms depicts a trophy of weapons atop a green hill and a royal palm symbolizing independence.
The language in Haiti is Haitian Creole, but in all of the cities, people speak differently. It’s all in the same language and a little bit of French. Jacmel is one of the cities and it has the beaches, which are really beautiful.
They go all out for the carnivals. It’s a type of celebration . The traditional dances are really nice and their outfits look so good. Their costumes look real and sometimes quite scary.
Haiti won its independence a long time ago. It was the first black country to win its independence, and helped other big countries win their independence. It shares land with the Dominican Republic. They have been fighting due to their cultural differences and sharing the island of Hispaniola, part of the Greater Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean region. There has been friction between Haitians and Dominicans, unfortunately.