The difference between Coca Cola and Pepsi is that Coca Cola has stuck to drinks, such as Fanta, Minute Maid, Fresca, Barq’s, Costa Coffee, Coke, etc, while expanding business. Meanwhile, PepsiCo has expanded heavily into foods, particularly snack food such as Doritos, Gatorade, Lay’s, Brisk, etc.
The rivalry between the two brands began in the 1800’s when Coca Cola was introduced (1886) to Atlanta, Georgia. Three years later, Pepsi Cola was invented and thus began the rivalry. They are currently competitive because of aggressive marketing strategies. Coke being the first soda to exist often means that all companies think of Coke as their enemy. Even though DrPepper was the second soda to make it to the market, Pepsi has always been Coca Cola’s biggest rival.
Pepsi And Coke were made up chemically similar, but it is the small things that spread them apart from one another. Malcolm Gladwell wrote “Pepsi is sweeter than Coke”, in his book Blink. He then goes on to say, “Pepsi is also characterized by a citrusy flavor burst, unlike the more raisiny-vanilla taste of Coke.” According to him, Pepsi is better.
Neither Coke nor Pepsi is healthier than the another, Pepsi contains slightly more sugar, calories, and caffeine than Coke, while Coke having a small edge in sodium (salt). Since the ingredients match so closely, they both can’t say one is healthier than the other, but if you want to get technical, according to the Pepsi and Coca Cola ingredient lists, Pepsi has forty-one (41) grams of sugar per (12) twelve-ounce servings while Coke has thirty-nine (39) grams. Therefore, if you are counting every calorie and carb, Coke is your better pick.
DrPepper is neither a Pepsi product nor a Coca Cola product. DrPepper has had some agreements or partnerships with Coca Cola and PepsiCo, but it still remains as its own distinct product and has its own identity. If DrPepper did have kola nuts as an ingredient, then all three of those brands (Coca Cola, Pepsi, and DrPepper) would be rivals instead of just Coca Cola and Pepsi.
Coca Cola was invented by pharmacist John Pemberton of Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The Coca Cola bottle designs were inspired by the curves, cuts, and dents of the cocoa bean. Pepsi was invented by a businessman Caleb Bradham of North Carolina, USA. The Pepsi bottle designs were designed to be easier to grip for their customers.
Coca Cola and Pepsi are both great products with similarities and differences. Some people think of Coke as the better product. Some people think of Pepsi as the better product. Go taste them both.