Have you ever been curious about the differences between Brazil and Italy?
Brazil’s population is 212,812,405 million! But Italy’s population is 59,146,260 million. Even though Italy has a lower population than Brazil, it’s a very nice country and still has a lot to offer!
Some things Italians do in Italy are watching television, listening to the radio, reading newspapers, and going to the cinema. Brazil has soccer (football) as the most popular sport, with many Brazilians playing or watching games.
Did you know what the flags’ colors represent? Brazil’s green color is a symbol of the flora and fauna of Brazil, the yellow represents gold, and the blue globe and stars symbolize the night sky filled with stars and constellations (a group of stars that form a pattern). Italy’s white is for the snowy Alps and other mountain regions, green is for the plains and the hills, and red is for the blood spilt in the Italian wars of independence.
Let’s explore the difference between Italy’s signature dish and Brazil’s signature dish. Brazil’s signature dish is called Feijoada! Feijoada is a stew loaded with black beans and many meats: smoked pork loin, bacon, and sausage such as chorizo. Italy’s signature dish is pizza that people probably know and love!
Did you know that in the winter, Brazil’s weather is 80 degrees or higher? But in Italy, it is 50 degrees on average, so it’s pretty warm in both countries.
Check out the beautiful sunsets in both countries!