“The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win.” Kobe Bryant once said these words, and they inspired me because it motivated me not to give up. There’s always someone else working hard to be at the top. I want that person to be me, especially when it comes to basketball. Basketball is a great way to exercise and also is a great way to get everything off your mind.
Basketball is a sport that I am passionate about, and I spend quite a bit of time learning about the game every day. Here’s a rundown of the basics for anyone else interested in the sport.
In basketball, there are 12 players on a team. Only 10 players can be on the basketball court at a time. There can only be 5 players on the court from each team. A basketball court is a tiled court with hoops and nets on each side of the gymnasium. A basketball game is approximately 48 minutes, with 4 quarters and each quarter is either 12 minutes, 8 minutes, 15 minutes, or 20 minutes.
From my experience, basketball is very complex. You have to know how to dribble. To dribble a basketball, you have to pound the ball numerous times to master it. If you want to learn how to shoot a basketball, you have to put your hand under the basketball and push it towards the hoop.
In basketball, there are 5 positions that someone has the role of being in. First, we have the point guard. The point guard is the person that makes plays for scoring the basketball. Then we have the shooting guard. The shooting guard is the person who helps the point guard score the basketball. The small forward is very different from the point guard and shooting guard. The small forward is the person who gets rebounds and takes some of the shots. Then we have the power forward. The power forward is a very big piece of a basketball team because they get the rebounds and score a lot of points. At last, we have the center. The center gets most of the rebounds and blocks a lot of shots. They also put the ball in the hoop when they get a rebound or they give it to someone else on their team.
In basketball, there is this thing called violations. One violation could be called a travel violation. A travel violation is when you take more than 2 steps picking up the basketball. Another violation in basketball could be a walk. A walk is not just a normal walk. A walk is when you take 2 steps without dribbling the basketball. The last violation is called the shot clock violation. The shot clock violation is when the 24 second clock runs out of time.
We also have some tournaments that basketball players go to and participate in. One of these events is called the Made Hoops tournament and it takes place in every season of the year. The Made Hoops tournament is basically where basketball players go to certain arenas and play multiple basketball games a day. One of these places where you can go and play is at Sportika. Another location where you can go is at the Made Hoops Facility. Another event is the HoopGroup tournament for high schoolers, where you get selected to play on a team or you can play for whatever team you want.
In college, there are also a lot of tournaments for players. One is called the NCAA tournament, March Madness, which is a single elimination tournament where 68 basketball college teams face each other but in brackets. So let me break the system down for you. So basically the first 8 teams will go against each other and only 4 teams will go to the quarterfinals from each conference. Then those teams will go against the other teams in their conference. Then whichever teams win will go onto the semifinals. Those two teams will face each other from the conference, then whichever team wins moves on to the Championship Game. Then whichever team wins the game will win the March Madness tournament.
In the Emirates NBA Cup, or the In Season Tournament, teams will be competing in two rounds: the group play and the knockout rounds. The Group play incorporates three groups of five teams per conference, for a total amount of six groups. Each one of the teams will play four group play games. The winners of each group, along with one wild card team from each division, advance to the knockout rounds. Whichever team wins the Championship will be rewarded with a trophy and an extra $500,000 to their pay.
Basketball is a very complex and difficult sport, but if you work hard you will be a successful player. So why don’t you pack your bags and start practicing your skills!